
Around the Yard

Mid-term hour exam grades went into the Dean's Office yesterday and some people are due for a shock when they find that spring fever has crept into summer.

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Ever since undergraduates ate in Mem Hall on the Delta and complained, "Lo! the butter stinketh!" there have been complaints about Harvard food. The petition currently being circulated may be described merely as the umpteenth in a series.

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Known and cherished as "Bull" Warren by thousands of first year Law School men, the great intellectual drillmaster of the School's elementary "property" course, Edward Henry Warren '95, died last week at his home in Concord. His age was 72.


Subject of countless and traditional stories, some apocryphal and some unfit for publication, Professor Warren's violent temper caused him at one time to be called "Ferdinand." He once told a student, "You're in very shallow water, but you're sinking fast."

His students loved to tease "Bull" Warren, and one of the surviving practical jokes concerns a student named Jones. Jones was listed as occupying the center seat in the amphitheater where Professor Warren delivered his lectures, but Jones was never present.

"Bull" Warren recognized the time-honored practice of class cutting, but he thought Jones was over-doing a good thing. As Jones' absence became more and more prolonged, Professor Warren grew more and more perturbed.

Some of the other law students, who knew that Jones had entered the Navy and was no longer in school, persuaded one of their Navy friends to assist them in a practical joke.

Now one of "Bull" Warren's anathemas was late-comers to his classes; rather would he have a student be absent than come late and interrupt. But one day a man in Navy uniform, carrying a bulky bag of books, did come in late and step- ping over scores of legs, reached the long-empty seat in the middle of the room.

Professor Warren lost his dignity. "You're Jones," he cried, pointing his finger at the man. "Yes, sir," replied the uninformed stooge. "Glad to have you here, my boy," beamed "Bull" Warren.

Twenty minutes before the end of the lecture, the Navy man gathered up all his books and climbed over all the legs and reached the door, where Professor Warren's voice stopped him.

"Did you enjoy the course?" "Bull" Warren inquired. "The material was excellent, the presentation only fair," the Navy man announced. It took Professor Warren several moments to recover
