
'45 Album Ready For First Printing

Compilation work on the 1945 Harvard Album has been completed despite overwhelming wartime difficulties, Paul Blanchard of the Warren Press reported last weekend; and while other problems may crop up to prevent realization of the current timetable, hopes are that the book will be printed and bound by the end of September.

Blanchard emphasized that this date could not be anticipated with conclusive assurance. "This book," he said, "has been put out under handicaps experienced by no other Album staff. Pictures of over 1,000 members of the class had to be secured somehow or other, and pictures of all sizes were sent in by about half the class, while Red Book pictures were used for the others. In the final product, however, all the pictures will appear uniform."

"The book will not be so elaborate as preceding Albums," Blanchard continued, "since many of the activities had closed down and no pictures could be taken of them. But the book will still maintain pre-war appearance, and it will still be a custom job.

"Binding, except for the sewing process, will have to be done by hand as usual," he said, and manpower shortages at the binding plant could delay further the book that was conceived in December, 1943. Editor of the Album, Gerald E. Maslon '45, is now at Camp Blanding, Florida.
