"Revolutionary changes in housing, social security, public health, monopoly control, and education will result from the election of a Labour Government in Britain," declared Herman Finer, visiting lecturer on Government, in an interview with the SERVICE NEWS yesterday.
"Widespread robot-bomb devastation, and the pressing need for clearance of Credit and banking will be second in line for nationalization, Finer predicted. Inasmuch as it is now fully mobilized for war purposes, it will be easy for the Attlee cabinet to maintain public supervision and accomplish the transition from laissez-faire finance. Out-Beveridging Beveridge In conjunction with this fiscal policy, said Finer, the government will probably enact a program of social security, "based on the Beveridge Plan, though going farther in the same direction." "Labor has assured the establishment of a public medical service so that general or surgical medical care may be readily available to all," said Finer. "The program must be a compromise between professional freedom and universal medical attention," he said, suggesting that "the result will be what is known in America as 'Socialized Medicine'." "The Labour Ministry of Education will initiate historic changes in British public education," Finer went on to predict. "A statute already passed by the Churchill Government, raising the minimum education age to 16, will be extracted from its pigeon hole and will become a reality," he said. In summary, Fine indicated that the course of the Labour Government would clearly follow its platform program and that the caution of the last Labour Government, headed by J. Ramsay MacDonald, would not be repeated