
Lining Them Up

The war-old cry for a Yale game went up again this week as V-J reports promised some easement in the travel situation, but hard-headed observers have wet-blanketed the idea. Ivy League schedules have always been drawn up months, even years, in advance, and it's too late now to change things for 1945, even though the end of November is still three months off.

Immediate resumption of formal football might find Harvard in an embarrassing position anyway. Princeton, after a short layoff, is back in the formal ring and faces Yale at the end of the season. Current odds are heavily on the Eli. If Harvard went back in the running, odds would be even more heavy against the Harlowmen,

Now training on Soldiers Field each afternoon under the aegis of Coaches Henry Lamar and Floyd Stahl, the Crimson informals show considerable experience and promise, but reports from New Haven are more favorable. Dick Harlow is expected back next week, and training will speed up upon his arrival.

Dick, who has frequently been opposed by some of the brilliant pupils that have given him his fame as mentor of coaches as well as of players, won't find Yale's Howie Odell on the opposite bench this fall, but he will wave a cigar to Earl Brown, the football and basketball coach Harvard lost to Dartmouth two years ago. It's Lieutenant (jg) Brown. USMS. now, and he's leading the Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy, the Merchant Marine's equivalent of West Point and Annapolis, into its first year of big-time football. Harvard plays the Academy November 10.

Varsity end coach at Harvard from 1941 to 1943, Brown and previous played under Elmer Layden at Notre Dame and had been picked as All-American left end in 1938.


At Harvard, whence he came from Brown University, where he'd been Varsity end coach. Brown was Varson basketball coach, as well as watching the ends on the gridiron. The Crimson has Brown to Dartmouth in 1943 and as head coach for the Indians in that year he chalked up six wins one loss.
