8:30 o'clock to noon. Registration in Mem Hall.
11 o'clock to 1. Examination for exemption from English A, New Lecture Hall.
2 o'clock to 3:30. Placement tests in Chemistry, Physics, New Lecture Hall.
3:30 o'clock to 5. Placement tests in French, Spanish, New Lecture Hall.
7:30 o'clock. Reception for new men in Smith Halls Common Room.
9 o'clock. Required meeting for new men, New Lecture Hall.
10 o'clock to 1. Freshman advisers available for conference.
1 o'clock. Study cards due at 2 University Hall before this hour. Penalty of $5 for late filing of courses schedules.
1:30 o'clock to 3. Required reading test, New Lecture Hall.
3:30 o'clock. Preliminary meeting of English Aa, New Lecture Hall.
4 o'clock to 6. Open House for new students, Phillips Brooks House.
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