
The Lucky Bag


Armed with a much-needed rest and all manner of evil thoughts, we once again face the fearsome task of going to . . . press.

Hardest hit by a recent rash of parties (on the week ends, naturally) have been our married brethren, whose role of gentlemen in waiting, for you wife to escape such well-known Ali Babas as Joe Neil, "Terrible Tom" Mullen, and smooth-talking J. F. Stonewall Smith..

From out these amber-colored doings we do find much unneeded sympathy for our newly-weds, "Shakey" and Mrs. Michels, H. "Bruin" Sheller and frau, and "Elongated Abe" and his wife Zaleznick. "The cob" (quotation borrowed) is the fact that our company was bested in the race for 60 dollar per month rental allowance by such fifth company was bested in the race for 60 dollar per month rental allowance by such fifth company stalwarts as "Buck" Ayers, B.A. (?) Johnson, "Rolie Polie" Foley, Regt, Comdr, Grenaker, and numerous other eupidites.

Winchester Wilds and Belmont Manor have a certain something in common, or so is spread the rumor, but W. W. (for brevity) has a little more of it. Success, so say the W. boys (Woodin, Willcox, Walker, Wood, Brocker--a ringer--and Wolf), if only in the mind, so take heart, mssrs. Schroeder, Shellenbarger, Marchese, Bourgeois, and Ballentine.

Recent threats of that eminent physician and scholar, apple-faced "Doc" Reichard, seem to bear this out such succulent meals doth he prepare.


With this every-other-week arrangement our none-too-fertile brains are having great difficulty keeping the doings of the inmates tied to the proper persons. Any similarity to what we say and the truth will be purely accidental.

Joe "Superman" Sydnor, spreader of much gossip, is maintaining a vigilant watch at his window near a local club Waiting for Winter Joe?
