
University to Graduate 93 At Ceremonies on June 28

Exercises to Be Held In Sever Quadrangle

Ninety-three men will be awarded the degrees of A.B. and S.B. at Commencement exercises on Thursday, June 28, at the Sever Quadrangle, Dean Hanford announced today.

Of the 93 men, 18 belong to the Class of 1945, 55 to the Class of 1946, and four to the Class of 1947, while 16 are members of classes prior to that of 1945 who are finishing out the course. Twenty of the graduates are members of the V-12 Unit and of the NROTC.

Among the men who are candidates for the degree this June and those who have received the degree during the year are a considerable number of service men, who, although not in residence, have completed their requirements as a result of academic work in the armed forces.

Degrees Awarded in March

Previously in the academic year 1944-1945, 213 bachelor's degrees have been granted in the College, of which 88 were awarded in November and 125 in March.


Seniors who are candidates for degrees, in caps and gowns or dark clothes, will assemble under the direction of their respective marshals before 1:30 o'clock on June 28 at the east end of Holworthy Hall for the procession into the Sever Quadrangle.

Candidates for the degrees at Commencement this June and those who received the bachelor's degree in November, 1944, or March, 1945, may apply in writing, at 4 University Hall, not later than 5 o'clock on Thursday, June 21, for four tickets to the exercises.

A special section in the Sever Quadrangle will be reserved for undergraduates and members of the Naval Units who desire to attend. They may apply in writing at 4 University Hall.
