
The Mail

(Letters to the editor do not represent editorial opinion o fthe SERVICE NEWS. The Board reserves the right to edit all letters before publication. Communications should be limited to 200 words. No anonymous letters will be published.)

To the Editors of the SERVICE NEWS:

Several factors have made it impossible for us to accept the challenge of your eminent baseball team.

We have not been permitted to use the facilities of the Radcliffe dormitory quadrangle for the game; the demands of reading period are heavy on an already-overworked team; the wartime restrictions on transportation made it impossible, for example, for your Yale fans and our Wellesley rooters to attend. All these seem to require that we postpone the game indefinitely.

We beg to correct your impression (printed in the SERVICE NEWS) that our crew had been defeated in the recent Charles River regatta. The result of the race, which can be obtained in the May 25 issue of the Radcliffe News or from any of the official judges, was a conclusive victory for Radcliffe.


It is with deep regret that we refuse the opportunity of further demonstrating the athletic prowess of Radcliffe. Yours was a gallant offer, and we are sure that you will take our refusal in the self-sacrificing spirit in which it is extended, and not as an expression of arrogance at our own proven superiority. Sincerely your,   Viven Mirken,   Editor-in-chief, The   Radcliffe News.
