
-: - The Lucky Bag -:-


Agog over having a free drill period tomorrow, we scarcely know what to do with ourselves. Turning somewhat metropolitan, your scribes haunted the empire city and found it much to the liking of many who are weekly confined to the limits of Beantown. We are still in the process of figuring out how 200 miles could make such a difference.

The ticket sale for the junior class prom this Saturday is building fast and the affair looms as a likely prospect to cop top social honors for the current season. In other words, kiddies, you had better get your tickets lest you spend another delightful eve in Boston.

don "Graucho Sloucho" Strauss disappointed all when he failed to attend Narragansett's Saturday meet. "The Grouch" figures that he would have won around a century had someone not steered him away from the track.

We found, hiding behind a blushing face and a Virginia accent, a truly great leader of calisthenics in the person of Joe Sydnor, one-time VMI boy.

Caught in the act was arch Aiken, the Virginia playboy, who spent a vigilant week-end watching and waiting for Humph Bogart and Lauren Bacall to check in at the Gotham, Arch's big-town hang-out. His patience was not rewarded and friend Aiken had ot settle with a train ride confab with his fellow UVA man, T. B. Perry, 3rd. Old Neil Summers carrot-thatched New Yorker, found the rails a little too boresome and took to the air this week. The result was near disaster, but "Corney" promises better results in the future.


The travels of Fred Balentine and B. Joe Nielson are now history, but include such N. Y. notables as Zanzibar, Stork, Waldorf, Astor Roof, La Martinique, Copacabana, El Morecco, and the Diamond Horseshoe. These muchly-traveled lads must truly be big-city smoothies.

The summary: HARVARD   ab  r  h  po  a  e Forte, 2b  4  1  1  2  2  1 Conlon, cf  4  2  2  1  0  0 Coppinger, 3b  4  1  1  0  2  0 Allen, lf  3  2  0  0  0  0 Wallace, p  4  1  1  0  4  0 Closky, ss  4  1  0  1  2  0 Carleton, rf  5  0  2  1  0  1 Lackey, c  3  1  1  11  0  0 Crumrine, 1b  3  2  1  11  0  0 Total  34  11  9  27  10  2

Innings: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Harvard  0  0  4  0  4  0  1  1  1--11
