The editors of the Service News take pleasure in announcing the election of James G. Trager, Jr.'46, of Lowell House and Scarsdale, New York, as Editor. Trager, who previously served as Managing Editor, replaces Russell K. Headley '46, of the V-12 Unit and St. Paul, Minnesota. Other executive appointments will be made in the autumn.
The Service News will continue publication during the abbreviated summer term on the current one paper a week schedule, and twice-weekly publication will be resumed in September. During the short trimester that begins July 6, the paper a will appear each Thursday; a special Freshman registration issue will be published next Friday.
Alumni accustomed to the Harvard Crimson will find in that paper's war-baby a publication dedicated to serving both the civilians and service personnel that make up Harvard at war. Begun, in February, 1943, with the purpose of supplying news only to servicemen, the Service News took over a dual assignment when the Crimson suspended publication for the duration in May 1943.
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