Over $11,000 in War Bonds and Stamps, representing contributions by more than 85 percent of the College's undergraduate population, were sold during 1944-45 by the Phillips Brooks War Service Committee. Fully 700 of the 800 registered civilians participated in the drive which closed early this month, sending the total purchases to more than $32,000.
Purchases in the winter and spring terms doubled those of the preceding summer and were accomplished without the aid of the customary room-to-room canvass, but by sales in the dining halls alone, Adams House topping its closest rival, Lowell, by $1000.
Blood donations for the same period amounted to 200 pints, 61 of which were from Adams House, the remainder being distributed throughout the other three civilian houses. This, too, represents a decided increase over previous terms results when Dudley and Standish were not included in the campaign.
Plasma donations have always been a sore spot in the PBH drive since men are allowed to give blood only every eight weeks during which interest slackens. Furthermore, all donations must be made in Boston, presenting another problem to the committee.
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