"When a country is controlled by an imperialistic power it is usually kept for the purpose of supplying raw materials, and thus progress is held back and the dominated country's standard of living either held down or made lower," claimed C. Nye Steiger, professor of Government and History at Simmons, in a forum on imperialism last night in the Lowell Junior Common Room.
In an assault on imperialism, Professor Steiger went on to say that the dominated country "suffers by becoming intensely nationalistic; the imperialistic nation suffers by having to undertake expensive wars that more than make up for the profit from peacetime manufacture.
"The whole world suffers because as long as any nation undertakes any imperialistic ventures whatsoever all other countries feel themselves entitled to do likewise and the inevitable result is war."
Finer Defends Imperialists
Branding some of Professor Steiger's assertions as "highly debatable," Herman Finer, visting lecturer on Government, claimed,, "Instead of sinking, the standard of living in many colonies has risen and risen considerably."
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