
-:- The Lucky Bag -:-

Navy Supply Corps Midshipmen Officers School

The usual musings and mutterings were heard as the last report was returned. Roy Hanson remarked "They just don't appreciate my genius around here." Bob Grinaker was particularly sure that there was "something wrong with the marking system," while Homer Cone groaned again and said it would be worse when they returned the results of Mr. Murphy's chowder.

Spring is in the air and "Loving Bob" Foley, besides trying to help out other boys in the chow hall is doing his best for himself in and around Baker Library. Also Bernie Bienvenu, the source of so many romantic rumors about other people, is now implicated himself via the grapevine in a deeply platonic vein with a young local girl named Terry; watch for further progress in the near future.

Long John Bryan has solved most of the difficulties with his uninsured car by now but seems to be confronted with even graver problems in his relations with the chubby boy of the entry; all are looking on with great interest. By the way, Neale A. Gow has a full set of pictures of himself as an athlete and track star down through his life, and he would be extremely happy to show, them to anyone who dares to drop into his room. The Boz and Ned Bailey still haven't found anything to talk about (not even the common things of our existence like "Anyone else") after three full months of silent feuding on the fourth deck.

The most amazed look in the entire company belongs to "Sunshine" John Dester when he is suddenly snapped out of his reveries by a question in management. Tom Kiernan has been heard musing about how he's been "getting down to fundamentals" in his life recently. Back Ayars' conversations with Kenilworth, Ill, from E entry (with or without the aid of a telephone) are becoming suspiciously more frequent and lengthy; but they always end in the same sad refrain, "John, bring up the box of quarters." The John referred to here is none other than that "cute boy" of the Boston night spots, John Arn.

Dave Downing is said to have enjoyed himself at the circus last Saturday night and has even better prospects in view for the future. We point with pride to our prediction of last week that the thrush of Company 3, Jim Davison, would come closer to the Manual and Memo; his recitation on S & A 15 this week startled the whole class including our rather incredulous pedagogue.
