Rain, the curse of spring sports which makes intramural directors lie awake nights thinking up ways to sandwich in postponed games, has succeeded during the past couple of weeks-in washing out most of the current softball league play and at the same time dampening the spirits of the players.
Director Adolph W. Samborski has decided to call off further play following this afternoon's game between Standish and Company A, a tilt which will have no effect on the final standings. Unlike recent basketball tourneys, where closely-knit units could be developed and league leadership fluctuated almost daily, the present tournament has resulted in irregular attendance and a one-sided victory for Company B. The V-12 squad concluded the season with a 6-0 record, with pitcher Runnier Wright largely responsible for the walkaway.
Wright, who pitched for the State of Rhode Island at the national softball tourney at Chicago in 1940 (won by Rochester Kodak), never allowed more than two runs in any of the six games. Shortstop Al Pytko, of the same team, proved to be perhaps the best leadoff man of the tourney, and Ash Carter took care of the league's most difficult catching assignment in handling Wright.
The standings:
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