Editors of the CRIMSON:
If I could have been graduated from a hill-billy college like Columbia or the University of Chicago, I doubt whether they would write me up in their official paper.
I am sorry, however, that in headlines and method of presentation you seem disciples of the Boston Traveller. Joe Mitchell . . . admires me very much, so he has pictured me as the sort of person he would like to be. However, his quotations from me are rather inaccurate.
Thoreau was only at Walden for a short period, but is mainly associated with it. The Bowery is only one of the fox holes from which I have observed life. I have only lived there for short periods about twenty years apart and I do not consider that my present address (Maison Gerard, 311 West 33 St., New York City--ed.) is in the Bowery. A hundred years from now when the Charles T. Copeland of that period lectures at Harvard on Joe Gould and his circle he will point out that my life has always been distinguished by the wide variety of my contacts.
A good deal of my writing is revision so that the oral history is not as bulky as it sounds.
I am not opposed to the typewriter for them as wants it, but reliance upon it has caused certain people to become illiterate. Sincerely yours, Joe Gould New York, May 7
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