
Hu Flung Flings 'Em

It was high Noonan New York and Hu Flung Huey ocC turned off Kate Smith and turned to the scratch sheets. "Cady-did, Cady-did," said the bugs along the Charles, and the Sage of the Age fell to dreaming about the Good Old Days. "Ah," he murmured, "there used to be a keg of beer on every Sack, and everyone was always Headleying over for a re-fill. Nobody toed the Marks--they really Raiszed the roof. And with a Goodman often hard to find, the Poon still would beg, "Trager a good pitcher for another stein." They could really Hendel the ball. Those Crimeds were ball-players, and they still are. The Poon'll Lewis: Singer song of 23 to 2.
