Ducking in and out of the sunshine is order to avoid misapprehensions about Beantown's infamous weather, we noticed a few new faces on the Charles greening banks. We weren't the only ones to notice those impudent middle who failed to salute, come to attention, or even salaam to our newly arrived ENSIGNS.
Eddie "Commandah" Rinetti was greatly relieved to find "Hotshot Charley" safe in Sunday's paper. So glad was be in fact, that "Piggy" decided to write his girl--a resident of California--about the whole mattah and ask her if she thought the Dragon Lady was being true to Pat. We haven't got the full details, but the absence of Rolain's name in the rag every week doesn't mean we aren't evening him with suspicion. His fans may be interested to know that Bruno "the Bruiser" Tiz has taken a fancy to hog calling in hopes of getting a date for the coming Senior Dance. Such resource fulness shall not go unrewarded.
A welcome to a certain Bob Johlie--Ensign Bob--leads us to believe Harvard is gifted with the decidedly undeserved honor of having a B.T.O. on its hands. We're hanging onto our few scraps of womanhood for dear life--and you?
Local track enthusiasts will be glad to hear that the latest midshipman else brought Southern Cal's sensational miles Rol Sink, with it. Rol's 4:16 mile last season was the fastest collegiate mile to the country. Joe Sydnor's definition of "speculation" tops all yet devised. Said ole Black Joe when queried by Pred Livesey, "Buyin' and hopin', I reckon."
Mention of third Companiers Ballentine and Ainley is important. These former Bruins are a little put out since we mentioned the Sheller-English excursion and failed to mention them. Church-goers Murray, Neil, and Neilson were happy to see the Easter season come. They hit church every morn--just about in time to miss calisthenics. Red Sarb has been speaking in Phi Beta Kappa lately.
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