

Smaller Nations Must Have Equality, Declares Professor

"History has proved that control by the large powers of the means for preserving peace leads only to war," declared Michael Karpovich, associate professor of History, last night at a meeting of the Radcliffe League for Democracy, the Harvard Liberal Union, and the Radcliffe Forum, held at the Lowell House Junior Common Room at 7:30 o'clock.

"The only way the San Francisco conference can achieve peace is by voluntary self-limitation of the part the big three are to play in the new organization," he said. "It is not sufficient to leave the control of the peace to so small a group of nations. We must include the little nations in the proposed organization in positions of equal weight."

Wants Declaration of Equality

Karpovich went on to state that, since we know there can be no peace without the accord of the big three, a declaration of the equality of all nations would go far in the direction of satisfaction of the small nations.

Karpovich proposed a federal organization, which would provide for the outlet of internationalism and nationalism which have been developing in this war in Europe as a result of Nazi tyranny. "The true problem lies in the necessity of taking into account the development of nationalism that has been intensified by Hitler, and the obvious need for internationalism in the postwar world," he said.


Another point stressed by Karpovich was the "realism" that dominates the thinking of the country today. Instead of the fatalism now implied by the word, Karpovich would substitute the meaning of "recognition of an evil and a quest for a remedy."
