

Noonan, Haimson Named To Posts as Class Marshals

Phi Beta Kappa Society, in its spring election meeting, held last night in the Lowell House Junior Common Room, selected Charles T. Noonan '46, of Lowell House and Ashland, Kentucky, as First Marshal of the Graduating Class and Leopold H. Haimson '46, of Adams House and New York City, as Second Marshal.

In elections for Phi Beta Kappa, conducted at the same time, 12 new students were chosen from the College and Graduate Schools to membership.

The four chosen from the Junior Class are: Arnold S. Corrigan '47; Adolf Gunderson '47; Milo L. Heideman '47; Francis Williams '47.

From the Senior Class, the four students who were honored with membership in the society are: Alan Johnson '44; Frank R. Rinaldi '47; John Swanson '46; Bradbury K. Thurlow '47.

The four graduate students selected are: Donald J. Blake '46; Dudley Frasier '45; Donald Greenholz '45; Kwang Liu '46; Alan S. Prager '46; James C. Raff '45; John G. Rowe '45; John T. Tate, Jr. '45.
