
Standish Tops Company B To Advance in Intramurals

Undefeated Bellboys Set Pace in League

Showing the strength that gained them the championship last term, Standish came through with a decisive 40 to 29 victory over a previously undefeated Company B team to produce the only change in the intramural standings, as they rose from fourth to third place in the spring basketball tourney.

In the other games that were played, NROTC Companies 1 and 2 swamped Adams 42 to 29 on Friday, but could not stay in the winning column yesterday when they were felled by NROTC Company 3A, 31 to 16.

The only other game that was played saw Company A overcome their V-12 buddies of Company C by the score of 53 to 29. Today no teams will take the court, since Standish and Company B have already played their scheduled contest; but on Wednesday, Lowell will have to defend its supremacy against once defeated Standish, and the Adams quintet will engage NROTC Company 3A.

The standings: Team  Won  Lost Lowell  3  0 NROTC Co. 3B  1  0 Standish  3  1 Company B  1  1 NROTC Co. 1-2  2  2 Company C  1  2 Company A  1  2 NROTC Co. 3A  1  2 Adams  0  3
