Cold, drizzling rain turned the Freshman cinder track to mud yesterday and forced Varsity track practice in under the protective cement uprights of the stadium, where it will continue until the weather improves.
Coach Mikkola had commented previously that last Monday's practice session on the cinders, which followed a week of cross country conditioning on the riverbank course, was the earliest spring workout in years.
Over 70 track and field men are now rounding into shape for the opening meet on April 14, with Andover Academy. Says Mikkola, "We have quite a few fellows out, but most of these are beginners. This leaves us with very few experienced men in each event."
Simultaneous with the release of the Varsity schedule this week, it was learned that vaulter Tom Howard had undergone an appendectomy which will keep him out of action until early May. Howard cleared 12 feet in prep school. Mikkola will now have to rely on Pete Harwood, whose best performance to date is 12 feet 6 inches.
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