
The Lucky Bag


Now that the K.O. report is in all we have to do is sit back and relax--only finals, psycho tests, pictures, uniforms, board meetings (gulp), and commissioning stand in the way of our "taking the long way home," as sister Jo so aptly puts it. The local clergy is thinking of petitioning for finals more often--or is someone really converting all of those sinners we saw last Sunday?

Some ask why Don Strauss, and Bea Nielsen are so chummy of late--a smile on the lips of many third decors will reveal the answer. Our premature "obituary" on Cagey Pickle caused some comment. Hereafter we will venture to predict nothing. M.C. Smith, who is getting older by the day, is nominated by the Millsaps Mariner, Bill Stark, as an eager beaver--how come? Jim "Cadence" Polhemus finally brought marine cadence to Briggs Cage. Yes, "the Hook" really got his chance when "the Orator" instigated rotating command. This innovation has uncovered many varieties of cadence existing here in the middles hall.

Phil "How're yaw'll" Masquelette, roommate of "the Light," currently has the eagers for a Pine Manor miss, says Dame Rumor. Red Summers, authority on anything but women, claims to have been hitched early in his career, but Kewpie O'Donnell is telling a great untruth. Tunstall "Pal" Perry, uncoverer of much information, seeks any help that can be offered him by anyone. If you have any old information that you are about to dispose of, see "Pal"--he wants it!

Don Royce saw John Warner recently and reports that "Thomas is a quack--don't go to Thomas." All men with disappearing hair lines should consult Senor Royce before committing suicide--gulp.

Milt Caniff, erstwhile creator of Flip Corkin, Terry, Pat, and the heralded Dragon Lady, may not realize the effect his oriental strip is having on the lives of many Chase luminaries. "Pass me my third Collins while I pass out" Smith (J.E. the folks call him) searched relentlessly up and down the corridor Saturday last but could not find "the lady." He did, however, find a tattered skivvie shirt sworn by him to be the property of "Hotshot Charlie."


Chuck Schrooder, who has about six months' supply of hair left, just checked and found, strangely enough, his new blues to be ill-fitting. "Sherman was right," says Chuck; "wonder if he got his uniforms the same place I got mine!" Sam Wolf learned the real meaning of "Penny Serenade" during one of his banquet pleas the other day. The Popps fright being a thing of the past, he failed to recover the cast-off cash, hence Stan Siskind's recent spending spree.

Bob Malone insists the loose study habits of one-time corp(se) Dante Maggiotto--only twenty-one hours a day with his books--weren't learned from him.

In closing may we say you cannot blame our starting in journalism on Alhambra High School's famous "Moor"--the old man cut tombstone inscriptions, hence the "natural cause of things.
