

Government 1a Tops Enrollment With 320

This might be a scientific age, but judging from the most popular elective courses in Harvard College, one could not guess it. Of the five largest courses in the College, three are in the liberal arts, one is in Psychology, and one Mathematics, Sargent Kennedy, assistant dean in charge of records, announced yesterday. The sciences of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics trail far down the list.

The emphasis this term is on the social sciences of History, Government and economics, Dean Kennedy's report showed. Except for English Aa, which is compulsory for 362 Freshmen, the most popular elective course in the Yard is Government 1a. Professor Elliott's in Political Theory was elected men.

After Mathematics Aa, which has 253, the next largest courses are History 1a, by Professor Packard of Smith, 252, and Economics Aa, with 238. 1, with lectures by Professor attracted 173.

the sciences, Biology Db leads the with a total enrollment of 139. B, with 127, anti Physics Ba, , complete the big three of the science departments.

The trends toward English and Philosophy, which were evident on elementary course levels before the war, have slackened, the report showed. Philosophy Aa, with 125, and Philosophy F, with 98, are the leaders in that department; English 1a, with 101 enrolled, leads the department of English.

Also shown by the report were large increases in the popularity of romance language offerings, and corresponding decreases in classics fields. Latin Ba, with 37, is the largest classics subject, while romance language courses French Ca, with 145, and Spanish 1a with 102, far outrank it.

Though not counted with civilian courses, NROTC courses of Navigation and Seamanship have high attendance ratings. Seamanship, with 219 enrollees, 'Refresher in Naval Science with 192, and Navigation with 173, are the three most popular NROTC subjects.
