

HDC Will Give Moliere Play Nights of December 13-15

With intensive rehearsals already begun for the performance of Moliere's "Le Misanthrope," the Harvard Dramatic Club has announced that the production will take place on December 13, 14, and 15, at 8:30 o'clock, in Sanders Theatre.

Heading the cast will be Robert A. Lubchansky '48, in the role of Alceste, and Henry P. Robbins '48, as Philinte; they will play opposite Miss Evelyn Merson, Radcliffe '47, as Colimine, and Miss Ann Pratte, Radcliffe '46, as Eliaute. Robert E. Miller '48 has been assigned to the role of Acaste, and Miss Family Flickenger, Radcliffe '48, will play Ansinoe.

This production, which marks the first time the HDC has worked independently of the Radcliffe Idler since the pre-war years, will again be directed by Fritz Jessner, who held the same position for last term's performance of "Much Ade About Nothing."
