

Registration Figures Soar; Ex-Servicemen Number 370

Revised enrollment figures, released yesterday by Dean Kennedy, reveal that 1418 students are now enrolled in the College. This total is the largest number of undergraduates since the spring of 1943.

Of 1418 men enrolled, 370 are veterans. One hundred twenty nine Harvard men have returned from military service to the College this term, while 116 new men have been admitted after receiving their discharges. Ninety six new men are receiving credit for work done outside and 20 are receiving no credit.

The largest single class is the Freshman class which numbers 844, including '49a, '49b, '48c men not here in the summer, and Freshmen in third term not promoted to the Sophomore class.

After the Freshmen come the Sophomores with 258 men. The Juniors number 118, the Seniors 82, the out-of-course candidates 110, and the pre-graduate specials 6. Rounding out the College, 379 NROTC men have registered.

The total enrollment of 1418 is still less than half of the peace time norm, which reached 3800. However, it is higher than war time enrollments, which fell from 1082, in July 1943, to 893 in November 1943, and to a low of 677 in the spring of 1944.
