

A Mediocre Musical

Even Betty Hutton playing twins can't do much to drag "Here Come the Waves" out of the rut which Hollywood hopefully labels "musical comedy." The picture is labored and lacks the spark which comes from inspired production.

The plot is complex at first glance; but it really doesn't amount to much. Betty Hutton starts out as twin sisters; one who is an ardent Bing Crosby fan, and the other who thinks him an annoying crooner. Bing, as a sobbing singer--genus Sinatraensis--falls for the twin who will have none of him. In the course of action the Waves get both Betty Huttons, Bing gets the sensible sister, and the bobby-sock twin gets left with Sonny Tufts, who doesn't seem to care.

Bing suffers in this film Bob Hope did in "The princess and The Pirate." Together, the two are comedians separately, Bob is a comic without a foil and Bing a straight man struggling to be funny. Except for his painful parody of Frank Sinatra, Bing's singing is regular Crosby stuff and good if you like it.
