

V-12 Will Encounter Bellboy--F-G Victor

Company C threw a monkey wrench into the Intramural basketball competition by defeating Lowell Wednesday afternoon to produce another three-way deadlock for the winning spot of the winter's first tournament. While Company C, Companies F-G, and the Bellboys face a play-off in the last throes of one intramural series, the second tournament has already begun.

Wally Hall, scoring 14 points, led Company C's 31 to 24 triumph over Lowell in a rough tilt where tension ran high. Lowell seemed to have the victory sewed up four minutes before the end of the first period, when the Bellboys were ahead 13 to 7. But the V-12 squad put on the heat and led by several points at the half. Despite the efforts of Paul Haskell and Fred Donahoe, Lowell was unable to edge the fighting Company C quintet for the rest of the game.

Standish Wins Two

Standish started the second intramural series with two conquests this week. Wednesday the Freshmen defeated Company D, 33 to 30. Although Standish lacks height, especially since George Appel has left for the Air Corps, the team shows good spirit, and improving teamwork. Dave Firth piled up 20 points against Company D, playing a clever, fast-moving game. Firth again sparked Standish in its 23 to 12 defet of the ROTC H-I quiniet yesterday afternoon. John McGrath of H-I and Wally Baker for the Freshmen were outstanding.

Adams topped the newly-formed V-12 A-B five, 28 to 21, yesterday. Although still a far cry from a well-knit unit, the A-B squad showed considerable ability.


In a meeting of the captains of the three top teams recently, Company C drew a bye; therefore Monday F-G and Lowell will meet, and the winner is slated to play Company C Thursday in the first tournament's final game.

First Tournament standings: Team  Won  Lost Company C  7  3 Companies F-G  7  3 Lowell  7  3 Adams  5  3 Company D  4  4 Companies H-I  4  4 Standish  4  4 Company A  1  7 Company B  0  3

Floyd Stahl's Crimson Varsity lost to the Lovell General Hospital quintet last night at Fort Devens, 65 to 38. Starring for the victors was sharpshooting forward McConnor, who scored 27 points. With Captain Mike Keene out of the lineup because of injuries, Jack Noble tallied 13 poinhts to lead the visitors.
