
The Lucky Bag

Yes, we know that it's been a harrowing week. If you don't believe it just listen to the walling which the Pearsons will do in their next column. But there have been lighter sides to life too, since the Board and its long black shadows haven't darkened everyone's path all the week.

The gayest and most exciting story of the week came from Jim Christy when he rolled his entire 240 pounds in on Sunday morning. It is supposed to have as one of its main characters a girl, a secretary it seems, who from her exploits reminds us of another secretary, "Bev the Beaver," likewise well-known in local circles for her exploits. Jim promises two shows a night in B-14 until all have heard the full tale.

Over in the classroom we find that B. "Specs" Grinaker and "Jim-the-Face" Madison have a deep sense of appreciation for some of the finer antics put on for our benefit by prominent persons in the Business School. The net result of these characterizations hasn't been reported as yet but they are expected to have a great effect on the actors' marks--in other courses than Statistics, of course.

Mr. Gow (with the long "ow" a la Hanson) introduced the first human note we've heard in the cold pages of the accounting class last Saturday when he came out with a genuine concern for the future of widows and orphans amidst the cold, hard facts of a disbursements ledger. Now Neale is waiting to see if even such a warm heart can get one a High Pass in Accounting.

Subsidiary notes:


Hank Ainley is reported to be spending long hours daily down in the hold of Chase talking things over and trying to decide which candy bars to buy. And Lorin "the Dude" Fuller is expected to drive back West in a new convertible if his local gold mines stay open and producing much longer.

Finally, we must admit that we've seen "nine-dollar bills" before in our lives but when N. J. Boswell came out with his startling performance in Stat yesterday he clinched the title for months to come. He certainly does know how to make a right snappy comeback when he's asked a question though, doesn't he
