
The Lucky Bag

Navy Supply Corps Midshipmen Officers School

A secret ambition engendered many months ago sent the battalion on the trail of one Ruth Fillipetti this week. Having been duly authorized by Anton de Hasse, Harvard professor of Foreign and Domestic Relations, we take some pride in announcing the winner in the Boston-wide search.

Sherman Harper was reported to have seen her on the production line at United Carr fastener, Chris Kotthoff thought someone in the paint shop was she, but at last Johnny Paligraf's discovery in the stamping department of the Carr plant has been confirmed and passed upon as winner. It's reported further that he plans to take her to the class dance.

Warren Sheard got a call over, the P.A. system there too. It seems that they need another bright young man from a well known business school. Keith Miller returned to the base with almost 90 percent of a complete radio he had collected as souvenirs. The employees couldn't resist his "irresistible me" smile "a la Pondon."

Best Men

Competing for top honors as "the most calm and collected best man" were John Barsanti and Dave Schieder last Saturday afternoon at the Schirmer and Nikkel weddings.


Colonel Jim was at his best with the rest of us at the Center dance last week. Thanks to Mrs. Clarke the affair was a complete success with Keith Richards, Jack Trumbauer, and Ralph Rolling the more conspicuous figures on the "Paul Revere." Webb Smith and Charlie Ritzen are leading their art appreciation gang down to soak in some Shakespeare this week.

Ernie Banker has applied under pressure for a steady job as Cowie Musician. Harry Magnuson has twice gone into ecstasies over the railroad recording. Company 3 waits with bated breath for a hearing. Bob Lang claims to have a better imitation of that head-on collision on the New Haven line. On his report Fritzy Arsulich advises converting all freight cars into transport planes for complete service.

The class outlook has improved 300 percent, the over-all alertness increased, and morale advanced considerably since the advent of the 0840 morning rising. Those interested in long run results should take note. Besides, Charlie Sayler reports that as a result Cowie is working practically on a cabin mess basis--and still we have liver. Things are tough all over.
