

Gummere Expects 75 To Enroll This March

Of 116 applicants who have been admitted to the incoming Freshman class, 75 have already written and announced their intention to attend college during the spring term, according to a statement issued from the office of Richard M. Gummere, chairman of the Admissions Committee.

Although only 75 men have replied that they will definitely attend next term, the number of men entering in March is likely to exceed that figure. War veterans will probably swell the total as they did for the class of '48b.

Class of '48 Outnumbers '47

The class of '48 will easily top the class of '47 in number. The '47 men total 615 while the class of '48 already boasts 565. The enrollment of the class of '48c for the spring term will be greater than that of the entering class last spring when only 65 newcomers appeared.

All plans for housing the class of '48c as well as that of '48b, now in Standish, remain unknown. McKinlock Hall will probably remain deserted next term, but whether Winthrop will be occupied depends on how many of the students now here will leave for the armed forces. "The only thing certain," said Dean Leighton yesterday, "is the uncertainty of the situation."


"Some plan," he added, "will have to be decided on by February 1, but what it will be is still a complete mystery." The first attempt at solution will be made soon by Dean Kennedy when he sends out study cards. These study cards will be returned to his office by February 2 and will shed new light on the situation as they will tell each student's plans for the spring term.
