
The Lucky Bag

To charge the new year with good cheer and put oil to the squeaking wheel of morale, President Harry Magnuson and "charge d'affaires' Hill Harrington have started preparations for an all time high in class dances. It's to be held Saturday, January 27, at the Parker House. Tickets will soon be on sale with all classes invited. The Parker Roof may be a bit ley but it still has the most sentimental lookout in Boston.

The bowling enthusiasts have taken over the Harvard "Bowladrome" for weekly sessions from now on. Last week's games saw the Lucky Strikers. Portsmouth Prospects (irony), and 600 Club mark up victories. Neil Plantefabec ('with a reach half-way to the pins," quote Thad Webb) scored a neat 488 while Jim Rafferty, Ruddy Moeller, and Dick Oster made the games interesting instead (stakes being too low for them).

Weddings in Prospect

Last week Jack Cornwall made public his wedding date for this May, a subject of some speculation in Company 3.

In immediate focus are the weddings tomorrow at Appleton Chapel. Here's the very best wishes of the battalion to John Schirmer and our genial company commander, Sam Nikkel, who will follow one another into the proverbial bonds in the afternoon, starting at two.


Jack Lauder got the prize query this week when a friend (we assume she was a friend) asked him by phone how long she was going to have to play solitaire before he took a hand. This one almost matches a certain answer in Company 3. To Mr. Lindsay's question on the length of the certain ensign's navy service, the reply came back, "Eight semesters, sir." Mr. Lindsay is still convalescing from this one. He has many disappointments these days.

Bill Gurganus sporting his new Phi Beta Kappa pin while trying to join the heavy-set blonde organist at Shangri-La at the keyboard....

These and many other sights filled another week of patient waiting on the part of all concerned--waiting till Keith Miller can persuade Prof. "Bill" Cunningham to give one of his inimitable train imitations.
