
Debaters to Meet Williams and Tech

First Round on November 11 Will Open Winter Season

Having completed its series of three intra-Council debates last Monday, the Harvard Debate Council has now announced five intercollegiate debates to open up the winter term.

The first debate is scheduled for November 11, the first Saturday of the new term. Williams College will come to Cambridge to debate on the question of permanent federal union after the war in the return match in a home-and-home series, the first round of which was won by Harvard on September 16 in Williamstown.

One week later two teams from the Debate Council will engage M.I.T. in a home-and-home series on the problem of government retention of ownership and operation of those industries now under its full control.

The following week, November 25, the Crimson debaters are tentatively scheduled to meet Tufts in another home-and-home series. The topic for this debate will be the problem of splitting post-war Germany into separate political entities.

All these debates will be held in the Lowell House Junior Common Room at 7:45 o'clock. Meanwhile, the Council has announced that tryouts will be held November 20, the third Monday of the new term
