

Pseudo-Hurricane Causes Only Slight Damage Here

That the damage caused by last Thursday night's hurricane was slight, and, in fact, far less severe than the storm of 1938, was shown in a recent check-up of the Houses and College grounds.

According to Cecil A. Roberts, Superintendent of Construction, the destruction consisted mainly of felled poplar and willow trees, flooded cellars, and occasional roof leaks. The College maintenance department stayed up all night, swinging into action at 12 o'clock and working until the storm abated at 5 o'clock on Friday morning.

Archie McConnell, Adams House janitor, found the storm "of gale proportions," but not much heavier than the average "north or south-easter." The only damage was several broken windows in the Randolph section. Accounting for the fact that the hurricane did not reach the proportions of the 1938 tempest, when traffic was halted for several days, McConnell declared sagely that "it went off to sea."

The loss of two trees comprised the damage suffered by Lowell House. The other-Houses reported no important damage.

Noted with dismay among the vagaries of the hurricane was its indiscriminate will in tearing down Harvard's shade trees but leaving the owl-eyed shack on Bow and Mt. Auburn without a scratch.
