
Chang Asserts People of China Preparing for Future Democracy

Cites Area Problems In Rebuilding Period

Professor Chi-yun Chang asserted in his lecture last night at the Institute of Geographical Exploration that "China is trying now to solve the essential enigma of new democracies--successful combination of freedom and order, liberty and discipline." Chang, head of the Department of History and Geography at the National Chekiang University and member of the People's Political Council of China, declared that his country's citizens have made great strides during the war in educating themselves for democracy.

Emphasized Reconstruction

Last night's lecture was the first in a series of four on "China in a New World." The topic was "China--Land and People," and Professor Chang made it clear that he was only laying the foundation for succeeding talks on "China and the World Powers," "China and Southeastern Asia," and "China and Japan."

The scholarly Oriental placed great emphasis on China's gigantic reconstruction job in the post-war years, and saw as one phase of the solution the large-scale immigration of Chinese farmers into regained Manchurlan land. "The rapid progress of recent Chinese immigration into Manchuria is almost unparalleled," he stated. "And Manchuria remains a veritable pioneer region--the area of its arable land still can be doubled, and so can its population. The potential values of the natural resources--iron ore, coal, timber, and oil shale--of the Manchurian hill lands in their relation to post-war industrialization are almost incalculable."

"The southwest," continued Chang, "is a poor agricultural land, but in many localities it is endowed with mineral wealth, such as tin, copper, mercury, and aluminum. Moreover, the desirability of heavy industries in the interior of the country, where the defense is easier than along the coast, is no doubt a matter carrying considerable weight in the planning of post-war reconstruction."


Chang was invited to this country as a visiting Lecturer by the State Department in June 1943, and has spent the last year at Harvard. He plans another year of study here in preparation for a forthcoming book on the political significance of Chinese geography. His lectures this month are held at the Institute of Geographical Exploration, 2 Divinity Avenue, and are illustrated with slides. They begin at 8:15 o'clock and will continue for the next three Mondays.
