
The Lucky Bag

Navy Supply Corps Midshipmen Officers School

Sweeping away thoughts of ten foot ice cold breakers at Marblehead, succulent steaks at the Open Air Market Cafe, and that last dip on the Revere coaster we turn to a new week, a new course, with renewed resolve. Already the breeze off the Charles promises to start the thermometer from the 100 degree mark where it has been stuck for too many days and nights.

Looking back we can record such things as

"Moonlight and red sailboats, Floating in on the sea."

Poetry at the Shangri-la. And by whom do you ask? No less than Charlie Gould, alternating with the floor show to keep a sentimental young thing's mind off the war, the heat, and the time until all hours Saturday night.

Bob Zehrung and "Rebel Bill" Wiman (Manfred E. to any Yankees under his "compance tenshun" were seen heading coastward with a million other people seeking a cool and secluded beach. They soon learned as have we all that here in New England a beach doesn't have to have send to be so named.


Saying, that it was just too hot to go anywhere George Trudean and Lot Swain stayed close around Boston with the American Legion taking the supply of tonic in the glass, in the battle, and in the keg.

At ROCKingham (the commons for the other half of Boston) Jack Cornwall and Ray Dunn financed some Texas horse to next year's paddock fees and pasture bills to the detriment of their own weekend plans.

Dick Armstrong, who has been doing deserving work teaching his pals to sing in formation, has an all time record for date mix-ups. Dick had five dates for one evening. Only the maneuvering of the old master, Ken Mills, was able to extract him in one piece. We don't think he issued rationing cards but however he managed it, he known something which any good midshipman could use in Boston or Hampton these days.

Pete Helen, and Evan Carison, the Alaskan kids, have found something to their liking in "the Cave." Peter calls it the homey atmosphere but Evan likes the whiskey and waters Spanish John serves for his friends there.

The cause of good radio music got a terrific setback Sunday evening as a roll of blaring radios was taken by the B.D.O. The line was long with Crime Doctors fans. Charlie Ritzer was the only person who really had the dame figured out before the good doctor exposed her and the jewels.

Forming for some weeks now is a vigilante committee to root out the piano players by Chase dining hall once and for all. Dean Stafford heads the party, while Johnny Sutton and Walt Terry are in charge of ropes and halters.

Ed Delph finished up the S.O. course in style but was relieved to have it behind him. He complained that during the last few weeks he has had so much fuel for thought that he went away from the final exam with gas on his stomach.

Strictly Personals

Old Spice has that long winded appeal. See Nai La Rocca for application details on stationery.

Contact Dick Oster for a thumb-nail sketch of the nurses down at the Red Cross Bank. He has them classified according to the line of chatter they use before making the jab.

Tom Yedder, connoisseur of sailboats, WAVES, and the other sea worthies, would like to trade items with anyone equally well acquainted with the scene at Radcliffe. He's a friendly fellow and besides it doesn't pay to got too well known in one locale, which is definitely the case here.

Operating at Revere were Red Naddy, Dick Mounts, Tom Morton, and Bill McCracken. Limiting their activities to Ruppert and roller coasters, they had a picture taken at a bar just to prove that you can stand erect and not astride someone at some places in this park.

Via postal express Gordon Koppei't got his cedar chest back from his one time fiancee. It's in excellent condition and Gordon will sell it to anyone who still has hopes. As for him, his dreams are shattered and he's thinking of going to sea for life to spite the little vixen.

From round about have come many queries about an official social committee for the midshipmen class. The electing of a social chairman has been the accepted procedure in the past. We hope that there will be a movement toward such action soon. There have been suggestions for a formal dance at the country club to open the fall season. All interested may see Miss Inglis as a step in the right direction. If this appeals to you, let's hear your voice.
