Following up its smashing defeat of Brown last Saturday, Coach Arthur Douropulos' Varsity teams team trounced an invading squad from Bowdoin College, 9-0, Friday at the Business School courts.
Led by acting captain Don Willner's 6-1, 6-1 victory over Bowdoin's number one man, Charles Curtis, the Crimson netmen took every one of the 12 singles and six doubles that were played. No Bowdoin man able to salvage more than three games in any one set.
In the remaining singles matches, Crimson number two man Moe Levin breezed through Earl Hanson, 6-0, 6-2, while Henry Moulton, playing in the number three spot, had little trouble with Pete Curran, winning by a 6-2, 6-2 score. Bob Rayle swept through Jack Thomas, 6-0 6-3, and Tom Ellis and Bill Mayleas each took their respective opponents, Jim Eolls and Corydon Dunham, by a 6-0, 6-1 margin. The three doubles matches were won by similar scores, to clinch the second victory of the summer season for the tennis men.
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