

Registration Details Given in New Posters

As part of the Service-wide program to provide ample opportunity for Navy personnel to participate in the coming primary and general elections, Captain C. H. J. Keppler, USN, Commanding Officer of Harvard Naval Training Schools, has set up a local organization to handle details connected with the balloting process.

Under the direction of Lt. Comdr. Harvey N. Marshall, USN(Ret), officers in charge of voting in the several schools have been supplied with War Ballot Postal Cardo which may be obtained upon request for use in connection with primary and special elections. These cards will also be distributed on or about August 20 to be used as the application for state ballots for the national elections.

In 12 states, some specific act other than the mailing of these cards is required on the part of the Individual in order to register before voting. Persons from these 12 states, listed on Voting Poster 2, must comply with the special registration procedure to obtain ballots.

In these states where the payment of a poll tax is required, the tax must be paid, or if already paid, the receipt or affidavit of its loss must be forwarded with the postal card. Minimum age for voting stands at 21 years, with the single exception of Georgia, where 18 years will suffice.

Complete details on the state-by-state voting specifications were published in the July issue of the "Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin," a service magazine distributed through ward rooms in schools here.


Officers listed by Lt. Comdr. Marshall to handle details and supply information for personnel concerned are: Communication School, Lt. Paul E. Bottome, USNR; Supply Schools, Lt.Comdr. H.E. Nixson, USNR; Pre-Radar, Lt.(jg) Lane Mitchell, USNR; V-12 Unit, Lt, (jg) Ben F. Marshall, USNR.

Outlining the general aspects of the program, and listing many pertinent details, several sets of posters are now distributed through Navy-used buildings, and further information should be obtained in the near future from the officers detailed in order to complete registration in time for early state primaries and the Presidential election on November 7.
