

V-12 Units Head Intramural League With Two Victories

With almost half of the intramural softball schedule now history, the team standings are beginning to become coherent and meaningful. At this writing, Companies C and D are tied for the league lead. Close on their heels, however, is Company E, with civilian Lowell House at the bottom of the first division. The NROTC unit, Companies A and B, and finally Adams House complete the standings.

In yesterday's games, Company C vaulted into first place over the incumbent. Lowell House, by combing Bob Worthington, Bellboy hurler, for 34 hits. Meanwhile, pitcher Wright of the Navy, held Lowell to two runs and ten hits over the seven inning span. As a result, Company C Shaded the outclassed civilians, 26 to 2. In the other game, Company E subdued Company A, 7 to 3, to move into third place.

On Friday, Lowell was again shellacked, this time, 17 to 6. This game was featured by Lowell playing the entire game with only eight men, two under par for a softball team. In the other portion of the twin bill, Company E toppled Adams House, 15 to 9. The hapless Gold Coasters have yet to win a game in the competition, having gone down to defeat three times. As it stands now, Lowell and Adams, only civilian Houses still functioning, will fight it out for the honor of ultimate reposal in Chief Dunlap's league wine-collar.

This afternoon, Companies B and D will tangle, while on another part of the field, the NROTC will attempt to prolong Adam's losing streak when they tackle the Gold coasters. On Thursday, the NROTC will play a game with Company A, while E and R will compete in other part of the card
