
Adams Cliffe Date Bureau Pairs Lonely Hears for Hop

Dates are the commodity in the latest system of reciprocity between Harvard and Radcliffe. The Adams House Committee with an eye towards the record dance next Saturday night, has set up a date bureau, which is already operating at full tilt.

According to Dick Gorlin and Austin Fish, its directors, eight Adams men, most of them uninitiated Freshmen, have applied for dates thus far. Taking down names, weights, heights and bankrolls, the manages inquire as to the applicant's dancing ability, and rate him one, two, or three on appearance. A card with this information is then whisked over to the three Radcliffe houses, Briggs, Cabot and Barnard, where a mad scramble takes place for the most appealing gentlemen.

Says Fish: "The plan is an altruistic endeavor to get the freshmen into the social activities of the House." period.
