
Companies A, C Tied With Lowell in Games

Intramural Softball Marked By Wild Scores, Loose Play

With one quarter of the scheduled games in the softball intramural league played, three teams are tied for the lead, two are tied for fourth, and the remaining three teams are locked in a tie for last place. The leaders are Lowell House and Companies A and C; the two fourth place teams are Companies D and E; while the last place outfits include the NROTC group, Company B and Adams House.

However, these standings do not really mean much as Lowell House has yet to play a game. Its opposition up to now has not condescended to appear at the scheduled time and place, which resulted in two forfeitures to the Bellboys. By the middle of next week, though, the standings should actually mean something, as the leaders have tough schedules facing them in the near future.

The card for today shows Lowell tangling with the NROTC and Adams opposing Company E. On Monday Companies A and E will meet while Lowell will attempt to lengthen its lead in a game with Company C. At that point the season will be half over and all teams will begin their stretch drive for the championship. The last games of the season are to be played on August 4.
