
PBH Recruits Bond Buyers, Blood Donors

200 Volunteer Blood For Red Cross Drive

War Service Committeemen of the Phillips Brooks House are again at their regular tasks of selling War Bonds and Stamps and soliciting Blood Donors for the Red Cross after an interim during the vacation and examinations extending through most of the month of June.

Although Harvard did not participate in the Fifth War Loan Drive through PBH, it contributed over $20,000 in War Bonds and Stamps since September of 1943, giving it one of the highest per capita college ratings for War Savings contributions in the nation.

Lowell House won the Minute Man Flag for inter-House War Bond competition during the Fourth War Loan Drive. The banner which now hangs in the Lowell Dining Hall will go back into competition in the coming term.

Blood donations of the civilian College amounted to nearly 75 who registered with PBH and over 30 more students who gave blood but failed to register with the War Service Chairmen.

Two hundred or more registrants pledged to give blood during the Summer Term, so the totals should be higher at term's end. To qualify for contributing blood, men must be 18 years of age and have their parents' permission. Registration places for people who intend to give blood are Adams C-25 and Lowell F-12.


Assistants to War Service Chairmen are now needed. Membership to Phillips Brooks House is awarded War Service workers if their work proves commendable. Men interested in this social work should apply at the above-mentioned blood registration places or directly to PBH.
