
Danner Elected New President of Council

Amory, Edwards Win Other Student Posts

The Student Council elected Douglas Danner '46, of Waban and Kirkland House, to the presidency at a meeting held last Friday. Other officers elected were Walter Amory '46, of Needham and Kirkland House, as treasurer and W. L. Jack Edwards '47, of Dallas, Texas and Adams House, as secretary.

At the meeting, the Council recommended that no class officers be elected for the duration. The reasons against electing permanent officers were given as: first, that no permanent class officer should be elected in his Freshman or Sophomore year, and second, that if elected, these officers have certain duties to perform and there is no point in electing them if they leave for the armed forces immediately and cannot fulfill these duties.

No Permanent Officers

Instead of permanent officers, the responsible organization for each class will be the elected Freshman committee chosen first by suggestions from proctors and House committees and then permanently elected on a House representation basis with a separate ballot in each House.

The duties of the committee will be to run all Freshman affairs with the assistance of the Council and after the war to initiate and conduct elections for the permanent class officers. The Class of 1947 Freshman committee is at present under the chairmanship of Nathan Weston, of Cambridge and Dunster House.
