Kenneth B. Murdock '16, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of English Literature, Master of Leverett House, and book review editor of "The New England Quarterly" has been appointed, with Bennet Cerf, editor for Random House and "The Saturday Review of Literature," and Waldemar Kaempffert, science editor of the New York Times, to the Book Committee of "The Key Reporter," membership quarterly of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary society.
The new members replace Clifton Fadiman, Will D. Howe, and Burton E. Livingston. The other two members of the Book Committee are Irita Van Doren, literary editor of the New York Herald Tribune, and Dorothy Canfield Fisher, author and member of the Book of the Mouth Club's Committee on Selection. The members of the Book Committee volunteer their services in guiding the reading selections of the more than 90,000 members of Phi Beta Kappa for whom the "Key Reporter" is published.
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