

Ninety-One Members Serve In Their Second World War

With the average age of each of its members now at 47, Harvard's 25th reunion Class of 1919 has 92 of its 630 members serving in the Armed Forces. All of the 92 served in the first World War, except one, who was then physically unfit for service. Of the original 724 in the class, 87 are now dead and seven are unaccounted for.

Two privates, a corporal, and four sergeants are among the 53 in the Army: 17 of these are in the Army Air Force. The 30 now in the Navy and the two in the Marines are all officers.

Others serving include a chief machinist's mate in the Coast Guard, a machine gunner and a flight officer in the Canadian Army, a major in the British Army, an officer in the American Merchant Marine, and two members of the American Field Service. Of the 92 now serving, 80 are commissioned officers.

Reunion Dinner June 28

Since all class reunions are cut down this year because of the war, the 25th traditionally the chief celebrant, will confine itself to a dinner at the Parker House on June 28, and a Commencement Day memorial service, luncheon, and tea.


Chief Marshal of the Class of 1919, as well as Chief Marshal of Commencement is Lloyd K. Garrison. Dean of the Law School of the University of Wisconsin and General Counsel for the War Labor Board.

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