

At the Boston Garden

With spangles, and paint, and hot dogs, and clowns, and acrobats, and everything else connected with the big top except barefoot boys watering the elephants, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's "Greatest Show On Earth" is now in Boston--through Sunday--in all its pre-war glory.

While other circuses have emphasized the virtues of the canvas tent and sawdust ring of late, the most famous of them all has retained the sophisticated elements of the gilded spectacle that draws the crowds of the big Eastern cities.

So step right up, ladeez and gentlemen, for the greatest show on earth. See the thin man, the fat lady, the India rubber man, Jo-Jo the dog-faced boy, and Gargantua, who, when last week was confronted by three Harvard men said, "I prefer peanuts."
