

A Beaver's Tale

After a slow start caused by Jupiter Pluvius, the NSCS Baseball season is now well into its second week. Even the old men on the faculty have taken their muscles out of the moth balls and are making an appearance on the diamond behind Cowie. Following are the results of games which have been played and the scores of which have been turned in to Lieutenant Montgomery: 10 over Easy, 5-3; War Adjustment on top of E, 6-3; item over Faculty, 10-3; K above J, 4-2; and Easy over D, 17-4. Complete standings, however, cannot be determined until all class athletic officers turn in reunits to Sherman.

Other spring sports easily accessible include sculling on the Charles (H. A. A. tickets are good for this), tennis behind Morgan, and golfing in the immediate vicinity. Concerning the latter, Lieutenant Montgomery will be glad to furnish further information about golf courses in the area. He feels that there are many more courses available at close hand for NSCS students than they might believe.

Four officers on the staff and one student at the Industrial Cost Accounting School received their two-and-a-half stripes this week. New lieutenant commanders at NSCS are former Lieutenants W. H. Shannon, SC, USNR; L. E. Toddhunter, SC, USNR; W. J. Salmon, SC, USN, H. E. Nixton, SC, USN from the staff; and G. T. Waite, SC, USN, from the student body of the cost accounting school.

A dance on the station, a most unusual event, has been scheduled for next Saturday, May 13. For the benefit of the very worthwhile Navy Relief, the tea dance (1600-1800) will be held at Potter. Class morale officers will be taking contributions for the next ten days, and the motto is "Dig deep."

Last week we were ready to petition the powers that be for the knife concession at Cowie. We figured it was the surest money maker since cost plus percentage of cost contracts were in force. Now, however, that the dearth of knives has been overcome, we're thinking of asking for the opportunity of selling places in line during the 0800-0830 rush.


Have you noticed the new anchors the senior midshipmen are wearing on their collars? One salty midshipman when asked why he wasn't wearing the new device, answered, "It'd make me look too much like an ensign!" Take it as you will.
