
War Loan Totals Released by PBH

Phillips Brooks House officials revealed yesterday that Harvard is leading nearly every-college in the country in the amount of War Bonds and Stamps purchased by a student group. The report originating in Washington credited the College with subscribing over $20,100 in the past four drives.

The percentage per student for Harvard is extremely high, since only the civilian Houses have taken part in the drives. The poll taken by the Treasury Department among colleges and universities all over the nation shows that Harvard has turned in more money than the majority of the colleges with an enrollment of over 5,000.

Since the Fourth War Loan. House chairman have turned in over $1600 in War Bonds and Stamps. The Fifth War Loan Drive will not be participated in by the College through PBH, because if lasts from June 12 through July 1 when examinations and vacation will interrupt the War Service Committee's activities.
