Emphasizing the fact that the great post-war inflation that accompanied the last war come after all controls on the wartime economy had been done away with, E. Merrick Dodd '10, professor of Law, and Merle Eainsod, associate professor of Government, last night stressed the fact that a retention of wartime controls is needed if we are to avoid a disastrous breakdown of our economy.
Speaking, at a form on "Political Reconversion,' the fifth and final one in a series sponsored jointly by the Harvard Liberal Union, the Radcliffe League for Democracy, and the Post-War Councils, Dodd and Fainsed together reviewed the problems that will accompany a mass demobilization of manpower and resources.
In the manner of the classic Socratic discussions, they discussed such problems as the attitude of the returning veterans toward maintenance of controls, the position of the more conservative elements in the government on this question, the practical working out of demobilization in the event that the war's end should assume two phases rather than the one with which America had to deal last time, and various associated problems.
At the other forums, Alvin H. Hanson, Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Political Economy, Seymour E. Harris '20, associated professor of Economics, Joseph Salerno, New England CIO Political Action Committee chairman, and Gorden W. Allport, professor of Psychology, spoke.