Getting a chance to show its patriotism the female population of Cambridge has already shown, some in its response to a drive for WAVE enlistment which began last Friday and will continue through Saturday of this week.
Like war bond drives, this campaign in based on the simple point that you can't lose and are sure to win. The Navy's women's auxiliary offers trainings, a good job with good pay, and a chance to do something for your country. It offers everything that a Navy man can get except going to sea.
The drive is centered at the City Hall on Massachusetts Avenue near Central Square. Complete information and appointments for physicals and so forth may be had there. Girls with college training can try for a chance at a commission here as well.
One of the important objects of the campaign is the recruiting of service men's wives, sweethearts and friends Men in the armed forces are traditionalist wary of letting their female friends join up. There fears range from worried over the constitutional damage that Navy discipline might wreak on their frail little loved ones to fixations about the girls treatment in the hands of fiendish Jap.
On the contrary, WAVES thrive of plenty of exercise and outdoor life manage to keep in trim despite plenty of Navy chow, and never meet an enemy Jap except behind bars. They could probably throw him for a loop.
The WAVES have already taken over many shore jobs for the Navy. They dole out pills with a big smile in the Naval hospitals, take over desks all over America to let their male shipmates go to sea. The WAVES run control tower, pack parachutes, service planes, run ship stores, keep pay accounts and in general make themselves useful.
There are a lot of them now, doing a lot of work, having a lot of fun and accomplishing something real and sure towards early victory, but more are needed and Cambridge women are getting their chance to show that they can come through in a pinch by enlisting me.
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