Unless it is rained out, as was threatened last week, the Harvard Glee Club will give the last of its three Yard Concerts on the steps of Widener Library at 7 o'clock this evening. The concert will be given jointly with the Radcliffe Choral Society.
Three choruses from the Bach "Mass in B Minor," which the combined choruses sang in its entirety to a sold-out Symphony Hall on Sunday, April 30, under the direction of Serge Koussevitzky, will open tonight's concert. With Paul D. Tibbetts '45 taking the baritone solo three choruses from Brahm's "Requiem" will conclude the program.
Besides singing at Pembroke College in Providence-on Saturday, and at Bryn Mawr on June 3, the Glee Club will sing at Harvard Night at the Boston Pops Concert on Monday, May 29. The Choral Society will have its fling at Radcliffe Night at Pops on Friday night.
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